
Writing Journal

Well, then...I guess I should let you know that I'm not failing at writing 40 poems in 40 days. There are two reasons I'm not posting all of them. One being that some of them reveal information too personal for me to share with my known public. At least at this point in time. Maybe by the time I feel the poem is finally finished, whatever is holding me back from posting it will be less cumbersome. Or I'll be more detached and therefore more comfortable sharing those feelings from a distance.

The other reason is that they're being held hostage in various notebooks. Last year, I had a pretty regular schedule, so I could at least keep them in the same notebook and post them at about the same time each day. This year, not so much. So far. Maybe this will change, too.

That all being said...I was glancing through some of the poems and noticed that one I wrote towards the beginning of this challenge (and therefore have forgotten about) has a line (the last one) that carried itself over into the theme of the one today. I'll share the first one with you, but today's is rather too personal. (I hope anyone reading understands and suggests a title.)

I've taken risks before
Now I'll take a risk again.
I'll calculate the cons,
And pray the pros are real,
Not another pipe dream.

It was a pleasure coming here,
And it won't be easy easing out.
I need to refresh, restart, renew,
Just like you advise me to do.

I'll change my life
And change my ways,
Then leave this place behind.

Don't worry about losing me,
You lost me long ago.

I wish I was going to miss you more.

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