
Reading, Writing Journal

So, it's been a while....
I'm reading more than I used to. Although I did take a good break this winter, after I finished "Quirky, Yes. Hopeless, No," a book about dealing with kids who have Aspberger's and "Winter Blues," a book about understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder. Now, I'm almost finished with "Little Women," and "Goodbye Ed, Hello Me," a book about recovering from an eating disorder. Sometimes I read books about things I don't have and situations I'm not in, because I might come across someone who is there, and I'd like to have a glimpse of understanding.

I've been dabbling in writing. Mostly about dating. Like "The Economics of Dating" and "How to Get Over a Guy in 10 Days." But neither of those are in final enough stages to share with hoards of public, and I'm rather choosy about subjecting my prosaic ideas to scores of readers. My poetry, however...I'm better at exposing that. Mostly because I need help with titles. (If I were more serious of a writer, I'd look for workshops or something.)

Little Lamb
One little black sheep,
Lost in the dark,
Too scared to cry out for help.
Doesn't think anyone would
Hear him, anyway.

Searching for him with
Flood lights and heliocopters
Only creates more shadows and noise,
Driving him deeper into darkness.

Once the search party gives up,
One little child goes out,
Armed with a flashlight,
Some bread, and a blanket.

After much lonely searching,
The black sheep is brought home.
And the child sneaks away,
In search of another lost sheep.

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