
Reading Journal

Finished "Jane and Cassandra" over the weekend.

It's a historical fiction about the relationship between Jane and Cassandra Austen. Had I had more biographical facts myself, I would have been able to tell that the events were real, but that the opinions of them were not. (Although, the narrative surrounding Mr. Atkins remains a mystery to me.) I finished the weekend by watching the Pride & Prejudice starring Kiera Knightly and learned that the cast portraying the Bennett family played Sardines in the house before the crew got there so they could learn the layout and take ownership of it before cameras invaded. I also watched Sense & Sensibility with the Ang Li and other director's commentary. All I retained from that viewing (which I didn't pay much attention to, honestly, because they sort of wore themselves out towards the end and it was just the movie playing) was that they used period animals. The commentators were constantly interjecting, "Period sheep!" It was actually quite entertaining.

I've picked up O! Pioneers, which I plan on reading mostly in the gym. Am hoping to finish it before I get on the bus home for Thanksgiving. I also pulled a book off my shelf called Memory Wall: Stories by Anothony Doerr, who, according to the jacket cover, is the writer in residence of Idaho. I haven't actually read more than the cover, though. Bought it when Borders was going out of business.

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ESolheim said...
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