
Writing Journal

NaNoWriMo kicked off at midnight!!!

I had considered taking a nap and going to the First Chance Midnight Write-in. 
I ended up not going because I knew I wouldn't be able to stay much after midnight if I wanted to function at work today.  I also knew that, with as excited as I was about my NaNo, I wouldn't be able to write just a few (hundred) words, and that it would get me too keyed up to go to bed.

Instead, I went to bed relatively early (10:30) and woke up early (5:30) to write for about an hour this morning.

1,722 words, baby!!
I was surprised at how easily they came, as well as how easy it was to let my internal editor sleep.  I never went more than a paragraph back to change anything, and only added or changed a few things as I went.  Going back to it tonight is going to be difficult, though.  I think the best way to keep my editor out of it is to not read much of what I've written, which is unusual for me.  Call it egotistical, but I like reading what I write.  But I know when I do, I automatically look at ways I could have said it better or differently.

That's going to be hard to turn off.

Oh, and I also wrote a poem yesterday and 3 on Saturday (while waiting for my roommate's plane to get in).
The one yesterday I especially like because it was challenging to say what (I thought) I wanted to say with the rhythm I set with the first two lines.  Then I noticed some patterns that ocurred naturally and wanted to keep those, too.  It was only 8 lines, but it took me about 3 hours as a secondary or tertiary thought item.  (During those 3 hours, I was also processing claims, day plotting and communicating with other people in a social manner.)
Still veerrrrrrrrrrry far behind my 366 goal, though. 

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