
Writing Journal

I'm still struggling a little bit with my keyboard.  Especially the shift key, the apostrophe/quotation mark key and the sensitivity of the keys.  Sometimes I get more than I bargained for and sometimes I'm halfway through the word before I realize it didn't recognize my tap on one of the letters.

This wouldn't be so bad if I were writing in word, which auto corrects a lot of those kinds of errors, but I'm not.  Which is slowing me down significantly.  The NaNo gurus are all like "don't edit as you go, not even typos," but they do not understand how utterly gruesome it would be to read what would appear as a result.  I'll give you an example, using a very well-known first line of a novel.

"It i sa truth universally ackknowledged, thaht a single man in posession of a good fortune, must be in wawnt of a wife.?"

Could you imagine 80 pages like that?
Um, that would be a big, fat NO.

As such, I signed up for free typing tests online at www.typingweb.com
When I hit blocks, I go there and keep my fingers limber, especially that right pinky.