
Writing Journal

Well, I've started thinking about NaNo for this year. I recently moved to a place that is 90 minutes from any WriMo region, which means I'm equally viable in the Nebraska: Omaha, Lincoln, or Elsewhere regions. Since I have a few remaining ties to Sioux City, I'd probably get along there, too, since it falls into that 90 minute web. 

My point in explaining all that isn't to showcase the "where do I want to pledge my allegiance" question, but because the Municipal Liaison (captain) who led both the Lincoln and Elsewhere regions has bowed out for this year. She'll still be participating, but I guess being President of the Nebraska Writer's Guild, managing a bakery, and going through chemo is a bit much. So they're looking. For someone. And I'll admit: I'm tempted. 

Also, I'm preparing my fourth church-related speaking assignment since November. It'll be my first time speaking with interpreters for Spanish-speaking members of the congregation.