
Writing Journal

 So, I tried to do a Lenten Writing Challenge again this year.  The goal was to edit for forty hours over forty days.  Yeah, I failed.  I might not have had I not had some student loan issues rear their head. 

I'm about to grant myself some grace and figure one hour for every journal entry I made during the last forty days, and see if that makes it more manageable.  And, of course, count whatever I work on tonight.

Next year, I might do a Lenten Reading Challenge instead!

As far as what I'm planning to work on tonight: I think I'll put V&V back into one doc and see how many pages it is.  Or, I could do a word count.  There's at least one scene that's a duplicate, though.  Anyway, the purpose of that is to gauge how much I'll need to spend on printing it for a physical copy and paste.  I might do that at my dad's.  He's said that he'd like me to review the book he's currently working on.  He's said he'd pay me for it, and I might just take it out in trade.  He lets me print mine on his printer and use either his living room or basement to lay it all out for a cut and paste job.

I'm leaning towards keeping it a short story.  I don't know that I have the attention span to write a novel, to be frightfully honest.

Update: it's only 8 pages, and that's without some cuts that I know need to be made. 
Nor does it count the plot points that I'm sure need to be added.  Which I should add before I print them out at Dad's.