
Reading Journal

I just finished "O Pioneers!" for the 3rd time. It's one of my favorite books, mostly because my mom's grandfather came to the U.S. from Sweden in 1913 and my dad's great-grandparents came to the U.S. from Bohemia in 1893 or so, I believe. I can identify with just about every character throughout the entire book on at least some level at some point in my life and the book.

I'm also reading "The Glove of the World," a book of poetry by Jeanne Emmons. She was one of my instructors in college. I've tried to stick with a "Something Old, Something New, Something Random, Something True" system to keep variety in my reading. I'm obsessed with being well-rounded.

So I just started my "Something Random." It's a book either my roommate got for me for my birthday at a Boy Scout rummage sale or a book I bought at church rummage sale, where they were selling books by the pound! Yeah, none of that pesky hardcover-softcover, fill-a-bag pricing system. They weighed the books and I think it was a dollar or two per pound! Anyway, it's called, "Twelve Ordinary Men," by John MacArthur. It's about the Twelve Apostles of the New Testament. I'm really looking forward to reading it, since although I am Christian, I am of a different religious persuasion than the author. I'm a Latter-day Saint and have already noticed that a lot of what MacArthur says about the New Testament Twelve could be said of the Twelve of the Restoration. I'm excited to finish this one.

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