
Writing Journal


That's how I felt about this poem. See, I decline any desire to have any association with what have been described as "nerdy franchises." Not with the people, per se, actually, definintely not with the people. Some of my best friends are obsessed with nerdy franchises. Harry Potter, LOTR, Star Wars/Trek, mostly. My experience is intentionally very limited with each of those. No real good reason, to be honest. We all have quirks we can't explain; I just happen to have chosen this as mine.

Less than a month before a friend's birthday, I saw that someone at work had some Star Wars they wanted to sell. So I bought their copies of II and III, confident my friend's limited DVD collection didn't include these.

Well, with the Project Poem Project I've set for myself, I had to write a poem to accompany the gift. Please be advised that since it's supposed to be this "off."

Spacy Thoughts

When I finally met your (City Name) Biker gang,
Not a one of them was mean.
Yoda is green.

TSO was a great big blast!
You still owe me a set-up—Whadd’ya Know?
How close are you with Hans Solo?

We had just crossed the bridge when you gave me the news:
My car could go no farther.
Luke, I am your father.

When you took a girl to see Pink Floyd live,
Your teenaged dream came more than true.
May the force be with you.

In prepping for my first big ride,
You sold and showed me your slicks.
This has been a Jedi mind trick.

Now you have the second,
And you have also the third.
Jabba the Hut looks like a turd.

1 comment:

ESolheim said...

Best! Poem! Ever!! :) ishnessmonster