Long story short, I took a vacation from Omaha to the SLC metro area at the end of February. Knowing that I wanted it to be relaxing (and nervous that I would get distracted by the beauty of the mountains and accidentally drive myself off a cliff) and having no desire to deal with the hassles of airlines (also, it was February and I didn't want to risk cancellations), I decided to cross a thing off the bucket list and take a train.
Best decision I could have made. Will probably blog about it at some point.
The ride from Salt Lake back to Omaha...I can think of no single word to describe it. The cast of characters is absurd and gave me the idea for a story. I can't help but tell it, in novel (or at least NaNoWriMo) form. Thank goodness for Camp NaNo in April! The cast of characters is small (Terrence, Grandma Betty, Helen, and Chiraq) but vibrant. The scenery is mundane enveloped in the grandiose, and the climax is astounding.
My intention is to stay true to the events that happened on the train, and give wide speculation as to each individuals interpretation of those events, as well as their backgrounds. I'm going to title it "Family for a Day." I haven't decided as of yet how I want to format the story. I'm going to be oing a lot of reading in March to help me figure it out.
Do I want each character to have their own section for each plot point? Or do I want to tell it third person omniscient? Do I want to introduce their backgrounds straight away, or interweave those details into the storyline?
So many questions, and not much time to answer them!