
Reading/Writing Journal

I signed up for Camp NaNo.  And immediately stopped writing.  Why is Camp the kiss of death for me?  I'm hoping to have a novel idea in place by November.  Which will require having linear enough thoughts to develop a plot.

One of my friends posted to facebook that she wanted to start reading The Handmaid's Tale and was starting a group where people could talk about it as they read.  I expressed interest, she added me, I went out and bought the book (because I was too lazy to sort through my boxes, too scared to ask a friend I know has it, and didn't feel like renewing my license so I could get a library card to borrow it from a library).  And they are much more ambitious readers than I am!

Speaking of, it's nice-ish out.  I should go home, do some more slack chores (I play a four person game with three computer players and do things like load the dishwasher while the game takes its turns), and take a reading walk tonight.  There's a park a few blocks away that has a trail that I think leads to the local high school.

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