
Writing Journal

Well, it's Lenten Season again. I decided to do the 40 poems in 40 days dealio once more. And since I'm not Catholic, it doesn't matter if I don't do exactly 40 poems in 40 days. (Just looking at last year's results, I'm being realistic here.)

Today's was a quick list poem and, again true to last year, utter crap.
But it's a poem, which is something I've been meaning to do more often.

The list of things I need to be
Is as long as what I need to do.
Which one should I tackle first?
The doing seems more feasible
Than the being.
Let's start there.

Create the spreadsheet.
Get more notebooks.
Write the check
(Put it in the mail).
Fill the dresser.
Empty the box.
Finish the book.
Finish the blanket.
Fix the other one.
Wash the dishes.
Find something to wear tomorrow.
Pack the change of clothes tonight.
Figure out who is driving where.
Eat something
(More than a handful of saltines).
Read the article.
Fix the article.
Resize the ads.
Write a poem.

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