
Writing Journal

Hoarfrost Haiku
You know what? What I
think I thought was snowfall was
hoarfrost falling down.

If you don't want any backstory; stop reading.
If you want just a little, skip to the end. (I'll bold it for you.)

Long ago backstory:
I have a friend with whom I have an inside running (I guess you could call it a) joke about the word "hoarfrost." It reared it's head 3 times in one month's time a few years ago and he took a really awesome picture of some during that time.

More backstory:
At one point, he asked if I remembered where in the scriptures the word was used. I searched my notes diligently. I remembered the time of the year it first came about, but must have run out of notebooks because I didn't take very in-depth notes. We were pretty sure it was in the Doctrine & Covenants and I thought it was in a particular place on a page so I leafed through. I was really spending a lot of time on something so silly, so I gave up and went to bed.
The next day, he came to visit me and I told him about a dream I had the night before. Well, one of them. I think I had like 4 that night. Anyway, one of the dreams was just an image of my scriptures opened and seeing the heading for Section 121 of the Doctrine & Covenants. Now, as any believer will tell you, if you get a dream that specific about a scripture, you had better read it! There, in verse 11, was the word "hoarfrost."
My friend's reaction was "He gives you a specific scripture to answer a question, and that's the one He chooses?" Yeah. I guess so. To me, it serves as proof God loves His children, even in the little things. Here He was, providing me an answer (in a way He knew I would understand and know to be from Him) to a question so trivial I hadn't even bothered asking about it.

Least amount of Backstory:
My friend texted me (just as I was thinking about him, which my friends have to stop doing; it freaks me out) on Saturday morning, telling me there was hoarfrost. So I started looking for it as I continued the walk I had barely started. It looked like the tree branches had some snowfall on them, which seemed to be verified by some white flakes drifting down, ever so lightly. I texted back as much; it was just a light snowfall far as I could tell.
Then I looked up and saw some tall tree branches a few blocks away and decided maybe it could be hoarfrost after all. So I took a closer look and decided that what I thought was snowfall was really the hoarfrost falling off the trees, since it was about 10, 10:30.
As I tried to get my message as close to 160 characters (and knowing an immediate response wasn't neccesarily expected), I came up with this:

You know what? What I think I thought was snowfall was really just the hoarfrost falling from the trees. Like tree dandruff.

I thought it was rather poetic, but, really, where can you go with that?
Haiku-land, that's where.

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