
Reading/Writing Journal


Let's start with the reading. I've been more ambitious with that since the new year.  2020 was hard for me to focus, so I didn't read a whole lot. It's still been a bit of a challenge to focus this year, but I've been more patient with myself and open to only doing a couple of pages here and there.  My goal is to finish about a book every week.  I anticipate getting through more once I feel comfortable walking while reading.  I get my second shot on Thursday, and will start calling the office to secure Tuesday as Treadmill day.  I'll probably skip this one, though, since I want to take a Temp Tuesday to Dad.

The book I've been reading right now is A River Runs Through It.  So much of the philosophy runs parallel to how I see curling. I might actually do a goodreads review of it, which I haven't been doing with most of the other books I've finished this year.  Which feels hypocritical of me since a lot of other people's reviews help me decide whether or not I add a book to my list.

p. 2
"It is an art that is performed on a four-count rhythm between ten and two o-clock."
p. 23
"...but then every fine fisherman has a few fancy stunts that work for him and for almost no one else."
p. 46
"You can't catch fish if you don't go where they are."


I got myself a room in a hotel for three nights and four days to work on Virtue and Vice, my curling based NaNoWriMo from 2020.  I didn't plan out the plot as well as I ought to have and made it much more difficult on myself.  I've been meaning to tell some version of this story for over a year now.  It started off with wanting to do it at Arena Nationals, but those got cancelled.  For the sake of my romantic health, I probably should have done it over the summer, or at least put forth more of an effort before leagues started up again.  Otherwise, I run the risk of blurring fact and fiction.  And I think Nic remembers me mentioning that to him.  Although, he also forgets a lot, so maybe that's one of the things he's forgotten.  Something he said to me the last time we talked on the phone won't leave me, though.  But since this isn't a personal journal, I'll leave it out.

As mentioned prior, I skipped a lot of planning sessions that I should have done in October.  (Side note: if I like my NaNo project as much as I did this last one, I might make it a regular thing to do this in January.  We'll see.)  My intentions were to get some stickys on the wall, but these walls weren't meant to hold the ones I have, and I neglected to pack the tape, even though the thought occurred to me.

I found this blog, which helped me organize my thoughts a little bit.  Since I wrote my words in November thematically, as the mood struck, it's not chronological.  I kind of wish that my word processing program had page breaks, but using a string of *~*~*~*~* works for me.  This morning, I create separate docs for Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Denouement.  Before church, I went through the word doc from November and copied each section into the doc most appropriate.  Today's challenge will be to make it through each of those.  

So, off I go to do that.

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