
Writing Journal (Day 14)

I took inspiration from the main event of the day: receiving a new General Manager at work. It reminded me of all the changes in management/leadership I've experienced in the past, well, 7 years. I had about 6 managers at Subway, a couple of changes in the caf, in my 2 years as an RA, I reported to no less than 5 Hall Directors (or acting Hall Directors). Learning to deal with changing superiors was actually something I considered putting in my skill set on my resume.

What's One More?
Another replacement,
Another adjustment,
Another life to break.

The trick to adapting
Is to embrace it.
Lick your wounds and
Pretend you like it.

Hating the allies of the new
Is guaranteed to
Lengthen the road.

Choose to take the higher ground.
Learn to love your life's changes,
Lengthen your stride
As you glide towards happiness.

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