
Writing Journal (Day Eight)

Well, I got to that poem about the escalator I talked about the other day.
The analogy my friend gave was this: "Life is like going up a down escalator; if you're not running up, you're riding down." And, who knows? Maybe those words are more poetic than today's poem.

Up the Down
I’m so very weary,
For this illusion is killing me.
There is no wear that this place shows.
Nor is there place where these stairs go.
I’m just climbing up and climbing up
As these gridiron lines
Slide beneath me.

It seems like these steps
Should be moving faster,
Picking up the pace.
But they don’t.
They just continue on,
And on and on and on and on.

Never slowing,
Never stopping,
Never will I reach the top.
Never will I allow myself to reach the bottom.

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